GOODSMILE 2016年10月發售: Nendoroid《紅殼的潘朵拉》Clarion 5,000Yen連稅

黏土人 庫拉莉翁


Nendoroid Clarion

“Everyone who touches these ears is going to hell.”
From the popular anime series ‘Pandora in the Crimson Shell: Ghost Urn’ comes a Nendoroid of Clarion! She comes with a alternate expression for comat as well as her combat knives ‘Yoryu’ and ‘Haiko’ as well as effect parts for her Plasma Neko Punch which allow you to recreate all sorts of combat scenes from the series.
She also comes with parts to display her accessing her Pandora Device together with an embarrassed expression which suits the pose perfectly! BUER is also included and can also be set on Clarion’s neck accessory. BEUR also has an articulated middle leg allowing for various different nuances together with Clarion!


N62701 N62702 N62703 N62704 N62705 N62706

ねんどろいど クラリオン


仕様: ABS&PVC 塗装済み可動フィギュア・ノンスケール・専用台座付属・全高:約100mm
原型制作: 七兵衛